十大赌博靠谱网络平台在尚普兰湖流域拥有超过400英亩的土地. We recognize that the institution’s decisions have real impacts on not only our own land, 但是整个盆地的土地. 我们的校园生态恢复是一个长期的承诺,土地和资源服务于环境,喂养和治疗社区. 本中心努力在土地使用决策过程中纳入所有观点,以便我们最好地管理我们控制的土地.
St .的生态修复. 迈克的 is more than just planting trees, 在冬天少用盐, and growing native plants; it is healing and rebuilding the relationship that humans have with the natural world through developing a sense of place. 罗宾·沃尔·基默尔在 编织香草2021年 FYS通用文本, “Restoration is a powerful antidote to despair. Restoration offers concrete means by which humans can once again enter into position, creative relationship with the more-than-human world, meeting responsibilities that are simultaneously material and spiritual.”
生态恢复是一项跨学科的实践,在圣·霍普金斯大学各个教育部门的许多课程大纲中都有涉及. 迈克的. 无论是教育, 生物学, 或者艺术课, students can combine their interests while gaining hands-on experience with the land. Professors utilize the outdoor spaces on campus for project-based and place-based learning, enhancing students’ experiences through work outside of a traditional classroom.
W在这里 We Steward 生态修复 on Campus
的 SMC自然区 constitutes 340 acres of college-owned land. As evidenced by historic aerial photography, 这片银枫鸵鸟蕨漫滩森林已经被种植了60多年. Restoration efforts began in the fall of 2017; the following year, 学院与自然资源保护局(NRCS)合作,在土地上建立了农业保护地役权,以支持教育, 研究, 休闲, and athletic missions of the college.
的 自然区域 has become the main living laboratory for restoration efforts on campus. Trees and cuttings from local nurseries such as Horsford Gardens and Nursery, Intervale保育苗圃, 伯灵顿分公司, 甚至我们自己的SMC苗圃也被移植到自然区域,以帮助恢复生物多样性和人口平衡. 与NRCS的进一步合作导致了对自然区较低地区历史湿地洼地的部分重建,以增加生态系统的蓄水能力, ultimately protecting the college and those downstream from worsened flooding.
阅读更多十大赌博靠谱网络平台自然区域的信息 在这里.
SMC农场的永久场地, behind Pomerleau 校友 Center and the Observatory, 采用永续农业原则设计,并采用农业生态原则进行管理,力求成为当今农业最佳实践的典范. 这片土地在20世纪80年代曾被用来在饥饿花园种植食物,也曾作为苗圃,种植了许多你今天在校园里看到的树木. 现在, it is home to four low-till vegetable plots, two hoop houses that create 2500 square feet of covered growing space to extend the season, 有可食用树篱的果园, 以及专门的授粉空间.
No pesticides or herbicides are used on the 农场; instead, the presence of bird- and insect-friendly plants increases predation of common pests. 作物每年轮作,其中一块田地总是“休息”,以使土壤保持足够的营养水平,以维持未来几年的生长. Ecological restoration is an active process on the 农场, as classes and volunteers learn while visiting and working in the space.
阅读更多十大赌博靠谱网络平台农场的信息 在这里.
教学花园 is a garden space located in the area between St. Edmund’s Hall, Klein Hall, and the McCarthy 艺术s Center. Established in 2005 by Professors Valerie Bang-Jensen and Mark Lubkowitz, 它是四个的集合, smaller gardens: Books in Bloom garden, 词的花园, 佛蒙特州花园的本土植物, 和国际花园. 因为植物种类繁多, 花, 还有花园里的树, it is a hotspot for biodiversity in an otherwise hardscaped area of main campus. 传粉者, 小型哺乳动物, 鸟, 昆虫在这个空间里茁壮成长,与社区一起利用这个空间进行教育或娱乐.
Read more about the 教学花园 在这里.
Located between Alliot Student Center, 乔伊斯大厅, 迪翁学生中心, 传粉者花园 is a small space founded by 绿色了 and co-managed by 绿色了, 环境研究所, and students in Professor Collier’s ES / ar - 332: 艺术 & 生态学课程. 的 garden was planted in 2021 with native, perennial plants that support native pollinators such as bees, 蝴蝶, 飞蛾, and 鸟 by providing food and shelter.
的 传粉者的花园 are vibrant with native 花 such as Yarrow, 香蜂, 紫松果菊, 乔pye-weed, 马利筋, 整个春天还会有更多, 夏天, 和秋天. 在冬天, 我们把死去的茎捆起来,而不是砍倒它们,这样昆虫和传粉者就可以在早春越冬并找到食物.
苗圃是 种植于2019年秋季, as one of the programs initiated to launch 环境研究所 that year. 环境研究所, 绿色了, 和环境研究项目共同努力,改造了阿利奥学生中心之间一个交通繁忙的中心空间, 乔伊斯大厅, 迪翁学生中心 from monoculture lawn into a native tree nursery. 原生树木, 比如山茱萸和黑柳, 在这个空间中生长,直到它们足够成熟,可以被切割并绑成束状或移植到SMC自然区.
的 森林食品 can be found in the SMC自然区. Created in May of 2022 by a determined student, 《十大赌博靠谱网络平台》, with the help of Professor Trevien Stanger, 设施组, 以及来自MOVE的志愿者, 食物森林是一个种植多种可食用植物的区域,模仿自然界的生态系统和模式. 的 purpose of the SMC 森林食品 is to enhance biodiversity and ecological processes, to cultivate a sense of place and an expanded sense of community, and to demonstrate how reciprocity with the natural world can help meet community needs. 苹果, 梨, 李子, 多年来,多年生伴生植物正在慢慢成熟,最终将为SMC群落提供食物.
STARS计划是透明的, 高校自我报告框架,以衡量其可持续发展绩效. Saint Michael’s College has been awarded a Silver rating from the STARS program, 其中许多是校园范围内的变化,以创造更健康和有弹性的生态系统的结果. To view our current and past STARS reports, click 在这里. 你也可以访问我们的 可持续性 page which goes more into depth about our STARS reports.
自2021年以来, 十大赌博靠谱网络平台因其管理校园树木覆盖的方式而获得了年度树木校园高等教育认可. T在这里 are five standards required to receive recognition:
- Establishment of a campus tree advisory committee
- Evidence of a campus tree care plan
- Verification of the plan’s dedicated annual expenditures
- 庆祝植树节
- Creating a service-learning project aimed at engaging the student body
If you are interested in serving on the Tree Campus Committee as a student representative, 请联系Declan McCabe: dmccabe@yamxpj.com.
十大赌博靠谱网络平台在过去的8年里一直被英国无脊椎动物保护协会认可为蜜蜂校园. 一所学院或大学可以通过增加本地植物的丰度来保护本地传粉媒介,从而被认为是蜜蜂校园, 提供筑巢地点, 减少农药的使用.
教学花园, 苗圃, 传粉者花园, 我们的禁入区遍布校园,是校园为传粉昆虫的栖息地和食物留出和管理的户外空间. 该中心与地面工作人员密切合作,以多种方式帮助管理学院的景观. 其中一种方法很简单:提高割草机的叶片,这样草就会稍微长一点,为昆虫和传粉者提供更多的栖息地. Another way is even simpler: Don’t mow at all! 在校园, 有指定的“禁入”区域,让生态系统随着时间的推移自然再生. Not only does this improve ecosystem health, 这意味着更少的燃料, time, and effort is spent mowing down beneficial plants.
有兴趣参与? Volunteer with 绿色了 club to help clean up the gardens, or take ES-332: 艺术 & 生态 to learn about and maintain our campus bee houses!
的 SMC自然区 是一个专门的圣卡特里栖息地, 哪些空间旨在鼓励土地所有者以有利于环境的方式管理他们的土地, 自己, 还有他们的宗教信仰. Kateri Tekakwitha是第一个被天主教会认定为圣徒的美洲原住民,被称为生态和环境的守护神. 由SMC社区管理的景观恢复和场所创造活动使自然区域成为一个满足每个来访生物的身体和精神需求的地方. 点击 在这里 to learn more about 圣卡特里栖息地s and the history of Kateri Tekakwitha.